
"Septiembre 2006" [twelve physically cut digital photographs, one on top of the other] 8" x 16". Romero-Molina, 2012-2014

The main objective through the work is to generate vehicles for perceptive change. By means of visual aphorisms, poetic materialization and perceptive games to intervene the spectators reality to a point in which he or she is brought to question one's current perceptive posture and maybe more importantly the possibility of other postures in our present. All this with the clarity of knowing that what's really important is not so much the work in itself, but rather that which appears by it's means, a reciprocal contact.

The specific focus of the work varies from project to project, however with the constant of searching for new ways of connecting the visible with the invisible. Finding new possibilities, connections and relationships between what we perceive and that which simply is (i.e.. noumena).

Romero Molina's sound work is characterized by it's experimentations with sonic plasticity, sculpting from field recordings as well as through synthesis, both operating in the realm of vertical soundscapes as well as his generative systems and installation work.

Roberto Romero-Molina [2014]

El objetivo principal que trazo a través de la obra es la de generar vehículos de cambios perceptivos. A través de aforismos visuales, materializaciones poéticas y juegos perceptivos, intervenir la realidad del espectador de manera que este es traído a cuestionar y reevaluar su postura perceptiva y quizás mas importante aun, que experimente la posibilidad de otras posturas en su presente. Todo esto con la clara idea de que lo que realmente importa no es tanto la obra en si, sino lo que aparece a través de la obra, un contacto reciproco.

El enfoque del trabajo varia de proyecto en proyecto, sin embargo con la constante de encontrar nuevas formas de conectar lo visible con lo invisible. encontrando nuevas posibilidades, conexiones y relaciones entre lo que percibimos y aquello que simplemente es (noumena).

El trabajo sonoro de Romero Molina se caracteriza por experimentaciones con la plasticidad sónica, esculpiendo grabaciones de campo al igual que a través de la síntesis, ambos operando en el reino de los paisajes sónicos verticales al igual que su trabajo generativo e instalaciones.

Roberto Romero-Molina [2014]

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